

Digital solutions for your business

Creative content that goes to work for you

Video Production Company in Toronto

This is the age of Content Marketing. The better the content you serve on a regular basis, and the more you interact with your audience, the better is your marketing strategy. Video, being the core of today’s most successful marketing campaigns, is a compelling medium to communicate, connect, educate and ultimately, sell your products and services. We, at SignatureGold, specialize in corporate video production services in Toronto. With more than 30 years of experience in our camera and laptop bags, we know what works, what doesn’t work, how it works and why it works. All of this has been possible because of our brilliant shooting, production, and editing professionals in Toronto. We’re proud to have them, and a bit arrogant too.

Commercial Video, A Potent Marketing Weapon

Whether you’re an individual or multi-national corporation, a commercial video could be one of the most potent weapons in your content marketing arsenal. That is because video does the following…
Turning Ideas Into Meaningful Stories

Turning Ideas Into Meaningful Stories

Every brand is different, has a diverse audience, has different needs and has a unique story to tell. The question is, how do you combine them all and orchestrate a perfect story for your brand? This is where we enter the picture.

We are a video production agency, and a content marketing agency rolled into one. As a content marketing agency, we discuss your marketing strategies, goals and analyze the behaviour of your targeted audience. And as a video production company, we transform them into clear, concise and impactful video content.


SignatureGold Demo reel

Diamond and Diamond

Sky view medical centre

Our Skills


Video production in Toronto is what SignatureGold does best. We help you engage your viewer so they keep interested in your product or service and push your strong message. Commercial videos are a great way to communicate your brand or product to an audience. Groups who may be interested in commercial video are: new brands, professional services, non-profits, and Government services.


Head shots, newsletters or websites using high quality images are the only way to get your image out there! Our photography is anything but ordinary. SignatureGold takes a unique approach to seemingly ordinary events and photo opportunities. With a focus on high quality lighting techniques, this is the difference that make our digital photographs innovative and desirable to many different types of clients.


Television is not the only way to distribute video content anymore. We work with our clients to produce commercially viable strategies that deliver measurable results. Content marketing, calendar scheduling, social media, planing & servicing paid advertising.

Graphic Design

Graphic Design is easy with SignatureGold. We might just be the thing to bring your brand to life. Television, Radio, Billboards, Sign & Transit Advertisement. We focus on producing engaging, meaningful & creative content that your customers want & will interact with.

Our Skills


Video production in Toronto is what SignatureGold does best. We help you engage your viewer so they keep interested in your product or service and push your strong message. Commercial videos are a great way to communicate your brand or product to an audience. Groups who may be interested in commercial video are: new brands, professional services, non-profits, and Government services.


Head shots, newsletters or websites using high quality images are the only way to get your image out there! Our photography is anything but ordinary. SignatureGold takes a unique approach to seemingly ordinary events and photo opportunities. With a focus on high quality lighting techniques, this is the difference that make our digital photographs innovative and desirable to many different types of clients.


Television is not the only way to distribute video content anymore. We work with our clients to produce commercially viable strategies that deliver measurable results. Content marketing, calendar scheduling, social media, planing & servicing paid advertising.


Commercial advertising is easy with SignatureGold. We might just be the thing to bring your brand to life. Television, Radio, Billboards, Sign & Transit Advertisement. We focus on producing engaging, meaningful & creative content that your customers want & will interact with.


The SignatureGold Method

For us, nothing matters more than getting your message across to the audience you want to target. But producing a corporate video is one thing and taking it in a right way, to the right audience is another. Therefore, the first thing we do is sit with you, listen to your ideas and do careful planning of your campaign. In the second step, we orchestrate the outline of your story’s foundation by thinking, brainstorming, writing, sketching and plan the perfect creative solution to make sure that strategy is executed smoothly. And after meticulous processes of ideation and campaign planning, it’s time to crystallize the ideas and plans. It’s the time to film, write, design, chop, draw, model and edit our way to our first draft. This is where we blend all the elements together to create creative and meaningful content that your audience has been waiting for!


Our Process

Campaign Planning

We discuss your strategic plans and goals to ensure all needs are met. Where does your audience work and play? Where do they live their digital lives? What do they find engaging and shareable?

Create And Imagine

Build an outline of your stories foundation, think, brainstorm, write, sketch and plan the perfect creative solution to make sure that strategy is executed smoothly.

Production & Editing

With the plan in place it's time to film, design, chop, draw, model and edit our way to our first draft. Bringing all the elements together to create that creative and meaningful content.


Getting your message out to your clients and potential customers. It has to end up infront of the right people. We help you distribute and promote the campaign and get it seen in the right places to build awareness in your market place.


Our Process

Campaign Planning

We discuss your strategic plans and goals to ensure all needs are met. Where does your audience work and play? Where do they live their digital lives? What do they find engaging and shareable?

Create And Imagine

Build an outline of your stories foundation, think, brainstorm, write, sketch and plan the perfect creative solution to make sure that strategy is executed smoothly.

Production & Editing

With the plan in place it's time to film, design, chop, draw, model and edit our way to our first draft. Bringing all the elements together to create that creative and meaningful content.


Getting your message out to your clients and potential customers. It has to end up infront of the right people. We help you distribute and promote the campaign and get it seen in the right places to build awareness in your market place.


We would love to hear from you!

Give us a call to set up a time to discuss how we can help you develop the concept for your next digital media or video project. We will work with you from concept development, to post production to enhance your company image and promote your brand online and in print. Become a content leader in your industry. Get in touch with us today! 

Our Latest Posts

Informational Video Reel

Improve the publics’ knowledge of your company, such as missions, accomplishments, and history. An informational video will enable people to learn more about the services

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Promotional Video Reel

A promotional video can help publicize a product or service, increasing public awareness and sales. SignatureGold is known for its high-quality, carefully edited, full-colour videos.

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Get in touch with us todaY!

SignatureGold, 416-569-1967